Hanna - tradução para francês
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Hanna - tradução para francês

Hanna; Hanah; Chanah; Chanoh; Hannah (disambiguation); Hanna (disambiguation); חַנָּה; Hannah (singer); Hannah (film)

Hanna, female first name
Barbera, family name; Joseph Barbera (born 1911), American animator and producer who started Hanna-Barbera productions together with William Hanna in 1957


hanna(hayna) alternative word for yes
that was really stupid! hanna or no?



Hannah or Hanna may refer to:

Exemplos de pronúncia para Hanna
1. of Michael Hanna.
The $100 Startup _ Chris Guillebeau _ Talks at Google
2. I was working at Hanna Barbara.
Brave _ Mark Andrews _ Talks at Google
3. Damasio and his wife Hanna Damasio,
Gabija Toleikyte _ Habits, Behaviors & Change _ Talks at Google
4. He was having Jack Hanna on.
Stephen Colbert _ America Again - Re-Becoming the Greatness We Never Weren't _ Talks at Google
5. the moderator was a woman, Julie Hanna.
Wisdom@Work - The Making of a Modern Elder _ Chip Conley _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Hanna
1. Et d‘autres: Eveline Hasler, Hanna Johansen, Peter von Matt.
2. Comme jai reçu les félicitations du p';re militant Attallah Hanna.
3. Frieda et Hanna se retrouv';rent ŕ New York en avril 2000.
4. La libérale Hanna Gronkiewicz–Waltz a battu l‘ex–premier ministre Marcinkiewicz.
5. Hanna Asabil avait baissé son prix ŕ un million de dollars.